The following is a connection between All Summer in a Day and the story of Phoebe Prince. The article can be read here
    Bullying–––––It happens everywhere on every corner of the Earth, even beyond. Even though the Phoebe Prince being bullied to the point of suicide is a true story, and the bullying of Margot was fiction, both cases are similar. Phoebe was ostracized by the popular "Mean Girls" simply because she was new and briefly dated a popular football player. Margot was disliked because she remembered life on Earth before arriving at the raining Mars. The "Mean Girls" wanted to teach Phoebe her place, the children on Venus wanted to prove that Margot was wrong, that she did not remember the sun. The "Mean Girls" taunted Phoebe, they harassed her and assaulted her. The children locked Margot in a closet when the sun, after seven years finally showed itself. Margot was deprived of seeing the sun, Phoebe was deprived of her life.
The following is a connection between All Summer in a Day and the book, Ender in Exile .
    All Summer in a Day is a story set in a colony on the planet Venus, where scientists are there for scientific research. Ender in Exile has a similar conception to the idea of colonies on another planet. After the Buggers are defeated, Ender, as the governor of the first colony went and set up a colony on the planet of the Buggers, much like how the people on All Summer in a Day lived.
The following is a connection between All Summer in a Day and an article on the rainiest places on Earth. The article can be read here.
    Imagine a world with only rain. Day after day, watching the raindrop pour from the sky with no sign of sunshine. That is the life that people lead on Venus. Thankfully, Earth is much less rainy than Venus, however some places on Earth do have extremely high precipitation levels, though I doubt it would even be half as much as the endlessly raining Venus. Studies show that the wettest place on Earth is a village in India by the name of Mawsynram.The average precipitation amount per year is around 467.35 inches, or 11871 millimetres. The closest we will ever get to the endless rain on Venus would be there. 
Ms. D
10/11/2012 06:45:34 am

This is a good first blog post. Your response is clear and direct although I'd love to see a bit more detail in the future.


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