To access the National Geographic Article "Melting Glaciers Mean Double Trouble for Water Supplies", click here.
When someone says “Global Warming", one of the first things that one thinks of are the rising water levels relating to melting glaciers. In reality, however, even if the glaciers all melted away it would not make a significant effect on the sea levels. Instead, the streams and ecosystems there would be seriously affected as the stream flow, temperature, and timing would all change, which can prove fatal to some species who have very exact needs. The total amount of the runoff and the precipitation levels will also change, as the glaciers acted as natural reservoirs and kept the water trapped. If we try to become more green and slow down if not stop global warming by releasing less CO2, the problem can be stopped. 


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    October 2012

